October 14, 2024

How to increase Viewability and Minimizing Unfilled Rates on Google AdX Exchange

In the world of online advertising, achieving high viewability and low unfilled rates is crucial for publishers and advertisers alike. Google Ad Exchange (AdX) is a popular platform for programmatic advertising, and optimizing viewability and minimizing unfilled rates can significantly enhance your ad revenue and campaign success. In this blog, we’ll delve into effective strategies to increase viewability and decrease unfilled rates on the Google AdX Exchange.

Understanding Viewability and Unfilled Rates


Viewability refers to the percentage of an ad that is actually seen by the user. Advertisers aim for higher viewability percentages to ensure that their ads are being seen by the intended audience. The Media Rating Council (MRC) defines viewability as at least 50% of an ad’s pixels being visible for a minimum of one second.

Unfilled Rates

Unfilled ad impressions occur when there’s a gap between the number of ad requests and the number of ads actually served. A high unfilled rate indicates missed opportunities for revenue.

Strategies to Increase Viewability

Ad Placement

Position ads above the fold or within the initial viewable area of the page. This ensures that users see the ad without needing to scroll.

Responsive Design

Ensure that your website is responsive and mobile-friendly. A large portion of internet traffic comes from mobile devices, so optimizing for different screen sizes improves viewability.

3. **Ad Creative Optimization

Create visually engaging and relevant ad creatives that encourage user interaction. A compelling ad is more likely to catch users’ attention.

Video Ads

Video ads often higher engagement rates. However, ensure that the video player is large enough and easily viewable within the ad space.

Page Load Speed

Faster loading times improve user experience and give ads a better chance to load before users navigate away.

Strategies to Decrease Unfilled Rates

Floor Price Optimization

Adjust your floor price (minimum bid) for ad auctions. A balance between high and low floor prices can help fill more impressions while maintaining good ad quality.

Ad Tag Implementation

Properly implement ad tags to reduce discrepancies between ad requests and served ads. Double-check for any technical issues causing unfilled impressions.

Header Bidding

Implement header bidding to maximize demand sources and increase the likelihood of filling impressions at competitive rates.

Ad Format Diversification

Offer a variety of ad formats (display, native, video) to attract different types of advertisers and increase the chances of filling ad slots.

Frequency Capping

Avoid bombarding users with the same ad repeatedly. Implement frequency capping to maintain a positive user experience and attract more advertisers.

Monitor Demand Partners

Regularly review the performance of demand partners. Keep those that consistently deliver quality ads and remove underperforming partners.

Analyzing and Optimization

1. **Data Analysis**: Regularly analyze data on viewability and unfilled rates. Identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement.

2. **A/B Testing**: Conduct A/B tests with different ad placements, creatives, and formats to identify what works best for your audience.

Ad Quality Standards

Maintain high ad quality standards to attract premium advertisers who are willing to pay higher rates for guaranteed viewability.

In conclusion, achieving high viewability and low unfilled rates on the Google AdX Exchange requires a combination of strategic ad placement, technical optimization, and continuous monitoring. By implementing the strategies mentioned above and staying attentive to industry trends, you can enhance the performance of your ads and maximize revenue potential. Remember that achieving these goals is an ongoing process, and staying proactive is key to long-term success in the dynamic world of digital advertising.